Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Deepak Tiwari for successfully completing JavaScript Under The Hood on February 19th, 2023

Awarded To: Deepak Tiwari

Awarded User ID: 6241274b244e1f00095f55bc

Date: February 19th, 2023 09:15:52 AM

Course Name: JavaScript Under The Hood

Certificate Verification Hash: abc34651fdb3fe807fe0fbda7eab6bdca6ab3a7b

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FreeJavaScript Under The Hood

JavaScript Under The Hood

(78 Ratings)
4.7k Enrolled

Course Goals

  • Thread and Call Stack
  • Execution Context in JavaScript
  • Memory overview
  • JavaScript Engine
  • Async JS features
  • Task Queues
  • Event loops
image of Brad Traversy

Brad Traversy


Online Coding Educator