Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Abhishek Singh for successfully completing TypeScript Fundamentals - Zero to Expert on September 4th, 2023

Awarded To: Abhishek Singh

Awarded User ID: 64f2d455ac721700163d6aee

Date: September 4th, 2023 10:51:00 AM

Course Name: TypeScript Fundamentals - Zero to Expert

Certificate Verification Hash: 59445e80f9b76158f7ca8a66af92abd9d283e467

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ProTypeScript Fundamentals - Zero to Expert

TypeScript Fundamentals - Zero to Expert

(123 Ratings)
1.7k Enrolled

Course Goals

  • Use TypeScript at your day to day job
  • Learn the Basics of TypeScript's Type System
  • Use Types for annotating any JavaScript Object
  • Learn Advanced TypeScript concepts
image of Basarat Ali Syed

Basarat Ali Syed


Content creator