Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Aniket Sanjay Shinde for successfully completing Git & GitHub Masterclass: The Practical Bootcamp on August 28th, 2023

Awarded To: Aniket Sanjay Shinde

Awarded User ID: 63b063ab5d7602001625e156

Date: August 28th, 2023 06:21:00 PM

Course Name: Git & GitHub Masterclass: The Practical Bootcamp

Certificate Verification Hash: 47df7390a5d99caacd343311bb55c8d30075765c

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ProGit & GitHub Masterclass: The Practical Bootcamp

Git & GitHub Masterclass: The Practical Bootcamp

(9 Ratings)
80 Enrolled

Course Goals

  • Understand Git basics and how it works behind the scenes
  • Essential Git commands such as add, status, commit, log, push, and pull
  • Branching and merging code in Git
  • Resolving merge conflicts in Git
  • Mastering advanced Git concepts such as rebase, stash, restore, squash, revert, reset & more!
  • Master collaboration workflows: fork, clone, pull requests etc.
  • Using pull requests to collaborate on code changes on Open Source Projects
  • Diving deep with Git workflow & Github workflow
image of Shubham Sarda

Shubham Sarda


Software Developer & Instructor