Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to vidhanshu borade for successfully completing Learn Next.js 11 - Build Modern Next.js Applications on August 16th, 2022

Awarded To: vidhanshu borade

Awarded User ID: 62468681dbdea20009b82ed5

Date: August 16th, 2022 04:30:08 PM

Course Name: Learn Next.js 11 - Build Modern Next.js Applications

Certificate Verification Hash: 335fdbf153771604bfbe41f786d7f5475354b271

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ProLearn Next.js 11 - Build Modern Next.js Applications

Learn Next.js 11 - Build Modern Next.js Applications

(270 Ratings)
5k Enrolled

Course Goals

  • Next.js Fundamental Concepts
  • Using TypeScript + Next.js
  • SSR with Next.js
  • Advanced Routing
  • Styling application
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Mehul Mohan


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