Course certificate

Certificate Details

This certificate is presented to Abdul Wasay for successfully completing Learn HTML and CSS [2024 Ready] on June 20th, 2022

Awarded To: Abdul Wasay

Awarded User ID: 62a988b1f392f100091d7dfd

Date: June 20th, 2022 01:10:22 PM

Course Name: Learn HTML and CSS [2024 Ready]

Certificate Verification Hash: 298f214a606483730bcc0ab8bbc4faef1a81430d

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ProLearn HTML and CSS [2024 Ready]

Learn HTML and CSS [2024 Ready]

(4.3k Ratings)
20.8k Enrolled

Course Goals

  • HTML and CSS fundamentals - why they're needed and how to get started
  • Common tags and operations with HTML and CSS
  • Basic styling and layouts in CSS3
  • Projects, exercises, labs and common questions you'll face while learning other topics
image of Mehul Mohan

Mehul Mohan


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