Case-Sensitive Search

Welcome to this SQL coding lab! Your task is to solve a set of SQL challenges based on the Chinook database, using SQLite syntax.

Database Schema

We are using specific tables from the Chinook database for these challenges. The tables you'll be working with are: Artist, Album, Track, MediaType, Genre, Playlist, PlaylistTrack, Invoice, InvoiceLine, Customer, and Employee.


  • Use SQLite syntax for all queries.
  • Stick to the exact table and column names as they appear in the Chinook database schema.
  • Use double quotes around column and table names for clarity.
  • All challenges require you to use the ORDER BY clause to sort the results.


Table Used:

  • Track

Task Description:

  • Perform a case-sensitive search to identify tracks that contain specific words in their names. You should use the COLLATE BINARY clause for case-sensitive search.

Columns to Display in Final Output:

  • TrackId
  • Name

Sorting Requirement:

  • Results should be ordered by TrackId.
Adding your container request
Getting your dedicated container
Connecting to your container
Setting up your editor
Finalizing your playground