Basic Polling System

69.0% Acceptance

Your task is to build a simple polling system using React. This will be a straightforward single component app where users can view a question and vote on one of the available options.

The objective of this lab is to Implement a system with a question and multiple-choice answers where users can vote.


  1. Initialize Your Component: Start by creating a functional component named PollComponent. This will be your primary component for this lab.

  2. Display the Poll Question:

    • Within your PollComponent, create an <h4> element.
    • Set the id of this element to question.
    • This will be used to display the poll question to the user.
  3. Set Up Voting Options:

    • You will need to provide 4 different voting options to the user.
    • For each option, create a button element with a class of option.
    • These buttons will be used for users to cast their votes.
  4. Structure Your Voting Options:

    • Inside each of your .option buttons, you should have two <span> elements.
    • The first <span> should display the name of the option, while the second <span> should display the current vote count for that option.
  5. Implement the Voting Logic:

    • When a user clicks on one of the .option buttons, the vote count for that specific option should increase by 1.
    • Ensure the updated count is reflected immediately on the button itself.

Challenges Information

Challenge 1: Display the Poll Question

Objective: Your task is to create a display element for the poll question using an <h4> element. This element should have an id attribute of question.

Challenge 2: Set Up Voting Options

Objective: Implement a way for users to see the multiple choices they can vote for. Create 4 button elements, each with a class named option.

Challenge 3: Structure of Voting Options

Objective: Enhance the design of each voting option. Within each .option button, there should be two <span> elements. The first should display the option name, and the second should display the current count of votes.

Challenge 4: Implement Voting Mechanism

Objective: Enable users to vote by clicking an option. When an .option button is clicked, the vote count (displayed in the second <span> within that button) should increase by 1.