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Diffie Hellman
Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
Alice and Bob use Diffie-Hellman key exchange to share secrets. They
start with prime numbers, pick private keys, generate and share public
keys, and then generate a shared secret key.
Step 0
The test program supplies prime numbers p and g.
Step 1
Alice picks a private key, a, greater than 1 and less than p. Bob does
the same to pick a private key b.
Step 2
Alice calculates a public key A.
A = g**a mod p
Using the same p and g, Bob similarly calculates a public key B from his
private key b.
Step 3
Alice and Bob exchange public keys. Alice calculates secret key s.
s = B**a mod p
Bob calculates
s = A**b mod p
The calculations produce the same result! Alice and Bob now share
secret s.
Adding your container request
Getting your dedicated container
Connecting to your container
Setting up your editor
Finalizing your playground