Retrieve Customers with Valid Fax Numbers

81.0% Acceptance

In this lab, you will be working with the northwind.sqlite database. Your task is to explore the customers table and craft an SQL query based on the given problem statement.

Problem Statement:
Retrieve the company_name, contact_name, and fax number of all customers that have a fax number. Ensure that the fax number is not null.

Concepts to Remember:

  1. SELECT Statement: This command is used to select specific columns from a table.
  2. WHERE Clause: The WHERE clause is used to filter out records based on specific conditions. For example, you can filter records where a specific column is not null.

Remember, the key to crafting an effective query is to understand the structure of the table and the specific requirements of the problem statement. Dive deep into the customers table, and try to visualize the desired outcome. Good luck!