Count Common Words Occurring Once in Two Arrays

43.5% Acceptance

In this lab, you will be working with two string arrays, words1 and words2. Your task is to create a function countWords that returns the number of strings that appear exactly once in each of the two arrays.

Your code should be written using ESM import/export.


Here are some examples to help you understand the problem better:

Example 1:

Input: words1 = ["leetcode", "is", "amazing", "as", "is"], words2 = ["amazing", "leetcode", "is"]
Output: 2


  • "leetcode" appears exactly once in each of the two arrays. We count this string.
  • "amazing" appears exactly once in each of the two arrays. We count this string.
  • "is" appears in each of the two arrays, but there are 2 occurrences of it in words1. We do not count this string.
  • "as" appears once in words1, but does not appear in words2. We do not count this string.
    Thus, there are 2 strings that appear exactly once in each of the two arrays.

Example 2:

Input: words1 = ["b", "bb", "bbb"], words2 = ["a", "aa", "aaa"]
Output: 0

Explanation: There are no strings that appear in each of the two arrays.

Example 3:

Input: words1 = ["a", "ab"], words2 = ["a", "a", "a", "ab"]
Output: 1

Explanation: The only string that appears exactly once in each of the two arrays is "ab".


  • 1 <= words1.length, words2.length <= 1000
  • 1 <= words1[i].length, words2[j].length <= 30
  • words1[i] and words2[j] consists only of lowercase English letters.


  1. Export the function countWords from the index.js file.
  2. Implement the countWords function that takes in two string arrays and returns the count of common words that appear exactly once in each array.
  3. The function should pass all test cases provided in the evaluation script.

Remember that the final length of the testlog array should be the same as the number of challenges. In this lab, we have 3 challenges.

NOTE: Make sure to export the function

Good luck!