Iteration Protocols in JavaScript

47.8% Acceptance

Iteration Protocols in JavaScript

In this lab, you'll be creating an iterator and iterable for a range of numbers. JavaScript has two iteration protocols: iterable and iterator. This lab will introduce you to both iterable and iterator, and you will implement the Range class as an iterable.

An Iterable is an object that can be iterated using a 'for..of' loop. To make an object iterable, it must implement the Symbol.iterator method, which returns an iterator.

An Iterator is an object that keeps track of its current position in an iterable. It has a next() method that returns the next value in the sequence, and a done property that indicates whether the end of the iterable has been reached.

In this lab, you will create a Range class that defines a range of numbers (start and end). The Range class will implement the iterable protocol so that a range of numbers can be iterated using a 'for..of' loop. You'll also write tests to demonstrate the Range class iterator works properly.