Multiplication Table Generator

77.9% Acceptance

In this lab, you will create a simple React application that generates a multiplication table based on a user-entered number. This exercise will test your skills in handling user inputs, dynamically rendering data, and structuring your application's UI.

Steps to Build the Application

  1. Create User Input Field:

    • Implement an input field where users can enter a number.
    • Assign the ID #number to this input field for testing purposes.
  2. Add Generation Button:

    • Place a button on the page that, when clicked, will generate the multiplication table based on the input number.
    • The button should have the ID #generateTable.
  3. Implement Multiplication Table Generation:

    • Write logic to generate a multiplication table going up to 20 times the number entered by the user.
    • Ensure that this logic is triggered upon clicking the #generateTable button.
  4. Display the Multiplication Table:

    • Render the multiplication table on the page.
    • Use a ul element with the ID #multiplicationTable for displaying the table.
    • Each multiplication result should be displayed as a separate li element within this ul.
    • Make sure that the list items (li) do not show list discs.

Testing Constraints

  • The lab tests will check for the presence and functionality of the elements with the specified IDs (#number, #generateTable, and #multiplicationTable).
  • Your application should handle a range of input numbers between 0 and 1000.
  • Remember to use React's state and props for DOM manipulations, as direct DOM manipulations are not suitable for React applications.

Challenges Information

Challenge 1: Input and Button Presence

  • Objective: Implement essential UI components.
  • Task: Create an HTML input element with the ID #number for user input and a button with the ID #generateTable to trigger the table generation.
  • Requirements:
    • The input element must have the ID #number.
    • The button must have the ID #generateTable.
    • Both elements should be visible and accessible on the page.

Challenge 2: Valid Number Input and Table Generation

  • Objective: Handle user input and table generation.
  • Task: Write functionality to accept a number between 0 and 1000 in the #number input field. Clicking the #generateTable button should generate the multiplication table.
  • Requirements:
    • Only accept numbers between 0 and 1000.
    • Ensure the table generation is triggered by the button click.

Challenge 3: Displaying the Multiplication Table

  • Objective: Display the multiplication table in the UI.
  • Task: Render the multiplication table inside a ul element with the ID #multiplicationTable. Each multiplication result (up to 20 times the input number) should be in its own li element.
  • Requirements:
    • The ul element should have the ID #multiplicationTable.
    • Each li element should contain the result of multiplying the input number by numbers 1 through 20.
    • The li elements should not display list discs.