Query Parameter Logger

In this lab, you will create a simple Node.js server with a specific route that logs query parameters into a file. The primary goal is to understand how to handle HTTP GET requests, work with query parameters, and perform file operations in Node.js.



The main task is to create a /hello GET route that accepts a query parameter name. Your server should store this query parameter along with the current Unix timestamp in a file named names.txt.

Each new entry should be stored in the format:



  • The server must run on port 1337, you can make use of PUBLIC_PORT environment variable if you don't wish to hard 1337 in your index.js file.
  • All code should be written in a single file named index.js.
  • Proper error handling should be included in your code (use try-catch blocks and log errors).
  • The environment is already set up for you; you only need to start coding.


Challenge 1: Ensure that the names.txt File is Created and Present

Description: Ensure that a file named names.txt is created when the server starts. This file will be used to store the name query parameters and their corresponding timestamps.


  1. Create a file named names.txt if it doesn't already exist when the server starts.
  2. Ensure that the file is created in the same directory as index.js.


  • Use Node.js's fs module to handle file operations.
  • Check if the file exists before attempting to create it.
  • Ensure proper error handling for file operations.

Expected Outcome:

  • When the server starts, the names.txt file should be present in the directory.
  • If the file already exists, it should not be overwritten.

Challenge 2: Ensure that Any New GET Request to the Server is Logged in the names.txt File with the Timestamp and Name Value

Description: Implement the /hello GET route such that any request with the name query parameter is logged into the names.txt file with the current Unix timestamp.


  1. Create a /hello GET route that accepts a query parameter name.
  2. Retrieve the name query parameter from the request.
  3. Get the current Unix timestamp.
  4. Append a new entry to the names.txt file in the format <timestamp>\t<name>.


  • Use Node.js's http module (or a framework like Express) to create the server and define the route.
  • Use Date.now() to get the current Unix timestamp in milliseconds, then convert it to seconds by dividing by 1000.
  • Use Node.js's fs module to append data to the file.
  • Ensure proper error handling for both file operations and request processing.

Expected Outcome:

  • When a request is made to /hello?name=John, an entry like 1633024800\tJohn is appended to the names.txt file.
  • Each new request should append a new line to the file with the correct timestamp and name.


  • Request: GET /hello?name=John

  • Action:

    • Retrieve the name John from the query parameter.
    • Get the current Unix timestamp, e.g., 1633024800.
    • Append the entry 1633024800\tJohn to the names.txt file.
  • File Content After Request:

    1633024800    John


  • Make sure to use port 1337 for your server.
  • Use proper error handling with try-catch blocks and log errors.
  • Keep all your code in a single file named index.js.
  • The environment is already set up for you; just start coding.

Good luck!
