List of Unique Genres

84.0% Acceptance

Your task is to understand the diverse music genres present in the chinook database. Your SQL queries will interact with various tables in the chinook database.


  • Artist

    • "ArtistId" (Primary Key)
    • "Name"
  • Album

    • "AlbumId" (Primary Key)
    • "Title"
    • "ArtistId" (Foreign Key to Artist)
  • Track

    • "TrackId" (Primary Key)
    • "Name"
    • "AlbumId" (Foreign Key to Album)
      ... [Continue listing the other tables...]

Instructions & Best Practices

  1. Accuracy: Ensure you reference table and column names exactly as provided in the schema above. Using incorrect names will lead to errors in your SQL queries.

  2. Double Quotes: For clarity and to avoid potential errors, always encapsulate table and column names within double quotes.

  3. Ordering: While constructing your solutions, make sure to include an ORDER BY clause where specified in the challenge. The order of your results is crucial to passing the challenges.

  4. Expected Columns: Always ensure that your queries produce results with columns named exactly as mentioned in the challenges. Any deviation from the expected column names will lead to discrepancies in results.

  5. Environment: All necessary dependencies are installed, and the environment is pre-configured. You simply need to focus on writing and testing your SQL queries.

Challenge 1: Exploring Genres

Objective: Your task is to understand the diverse music genres present in the chinook database.

Table Used: Genre


  1. Retrieve Data: Fetch a list of distinct genres available in the database.

  2. Columns to Display:

    • GenreId
    • Name
  3. Order of Display: Order your result set by the GenreId in an ascending sequence.

Expected Output: A table showing two columns (GenreId and Name). Each row represents a distinct genre, and the entire table should be sorted based on the GenreId.