Hang on...
Your task is to convert a number into a string that contains raindrop sounds corresponding to certain potential factors. A factor is a number that evenly divides into another number, leaving no remainder. The simplest way to test if a one number is a factor of another is to use the modulo operation.
The rules of raindrops
are that if a given number:
- has 3 as a factor, add 'Pling' to the result.
- has 5 as a factor, add 'Plang' to the result.
- has 7 as a factor, add 'Plong' to the result.
- does not have any of 3, 5, or 7 as a factor, the result should be the digits of the number.
- 28 has 7 as a factor, but not 3 or 5, so the result would be "Plong".
- 30 has both 3 and 5 as factors, but not 7, so the result would be "PlingPlang".
- 34 is not factored by 3, 5, or 7, so the result would be "34".
Adding your container request
Getting your dedicated container
Connecting to your container
Setting up your editor
Finalizing your playground