Finding Tracks with Maximum and Minimum Length

56.7% Acceptance

Welcome to the SQLite lab, where you'll be testing your SQL skills using the widely known chinook database. The challenges in this lab focus on retrieving specific data sets from this database.

Dataset Overview

The chinook database consists of various tables related to a digital media store. For the scope of this lab, you will be working with the following tables:

  • Artist: Contains artist details with columns "ArtistId" and "Name".
  • Album: Contains album details and references "Artist" with columns "AlbumId", "Title", and "ArtistId".
  • Track: Holds track details and references "Album", "MediaType", and "Genre" with columns like "TrackId", "Name", "Milliseconds", and more.


  1. Craft your SQL queries based on the instructions provided in the challenge.
  2. Make sure to use double quotes around table and column names for clarity.
  3. Cross-check your query column names with the expected output column names.
  4. Once you believe your solution is correct, submit it for evaluation.

Remember, precision is key. Ensure that your queries match the requirements exactly to successfully pass the challenges.


Objective: Identify tracks that have the longest and shortest durations in the chinook database.

Table Used: Track


  • Using the Track table, retrieve details of tracks that have the longest and shortest lengths.
  • You must extract the following columns for your results:
    • TrackId
    • Name
    • Milliseconds
  • Your query should retrieve and compare results using the following conditions:
    1. The Milliseconds value should be equal to the minimum Milliseconds from the Track table.
    2. Or, the Milliseconds value should be equal to the maximum Milliseconds from the Track table.
  • Sort your results based on the Milliseconds column, in ascending order. The track with the shortest length should appear first, followed by the one with the longest length.

Expected Output Columns:

  • TrackId
  • Name
  • Milliseconds

Order By:
Milliseconds (Ascending)

Good luck, and happy querying!