Comment box lab

45.1% Acceptance

In this interactive lab, you'll be developing an interface where users can submit comments. These comments will be displayed in a list format right below the submission form without needing to refresh the page. By the end of this lab, you'll have a form that handles user inputs, validates them, and displays feedback.


This lab involves the following concepts:

  • DOM Manipulation: To interact with webpage elements, you need to understand how to select, create, and update elements using JavaScript.
  • Event Handling: Understanding how to register and handle events on HTML elements like button clicks.
  • Form Submission Handling: The lab requires interacting with form submission events and stopping them to prevent a page refresh.


  1. Begin by creating an HTML form in your index.html file. This should include a textarea and a button. Assign the ids 'comment' and 'submit' to them respectively. Use the attribute onsubmit="return false" in your form element to prevent it from refreshing the page upon submission.

  2. Create a p (paragraph) element with the id error for displaying error messages.

  3. Create an unordered list (ul) with the id commentList. This is where your comments will be displayed in a list format.

  4. Move over to your script.js file. The goal here is to handle the form submission, show and manage the comments dynamically. Start by selecting your form inputs and error paragraph using the document.getElementById() function in JavaScript and store them in respective variables.

  5. Add an event listener to your submit button for the click event. Inside the event listener function, perform an empty check on the comment textarea's value. If the comment textarea is empty, then display an error message inside the error paragraph.

  6. When the comment textarea has some text, clear the error message, create a new list item (li), and append the comment as the text content of the list item.

  7. Append this new list item to the commentList unordered list. This shows the comment below the comment submission form.

  8. Finally, clear the comment textarea by setting its value to an empty string, signifying readiness to accept a new comment.

Please note you should refrain from giving solutions, and rather inspire a method of inquiry in these steps.


  • To create a new HTML element using JavaScript, you can use the document.createElement(element) function, where 'element' is a string that specifies the type of element to be created.
  • Remember that JavaScript is case-sensitive. Be careful while writing the id's in your JavaScript file. They should match exactly with the HTML id's.