Crypto Square

Implement the classic method for composing secret messages called a square code.

Given an English text, output the encoded version of that text.

First, the input is normalized: the spaces and punctuation are removed
from the English text and the message is downcased.

Then, the normalized characters are broken into rows. These rows can be
regarded as forming a rectangle when printed with intervening newlines.

For example, the sentence

"If man was meant to stay on the ground, god would have given us roots."

is normalized to:


The plaintext should be organized in to a rectangle. The size of the
rectangle (r x c) should be decided by the length of the message,
such that c >= r and c - r <= 1, where c is the number of columns
and r is the number of rows.

Our normalized text is 54 characters long, dictating a rectangle with
c = 8 and r = 7:

"ifmanwas" "meanttos" "tayonthe" "groundgo" "dwouldha" "vegivenu" "sroots "

The coded message is obtained by reading down the columns going left to

The message above is coded as:


Output the encoded text in chunks that fill perfect rectangles (r X c),
with c chunks of r length, separated by spaces. For phrases that are
n characters short of the perfect rectangle, pad each of the last n
chunks with a single trailing space.

"imtgdvs fearwer mayoogo anouuio ntnnlvt wttddes aohghn sseoau "

Notice that were we to stack these, we could visually decode the
ciphertext back in to the original message:

"imtgdvs" "fearwer" "mayoogo" "anouuio" "ntnnlvt" "wttddes" "aohghn " "sseoau "
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