Basic Node.js Routing Lab

29.0% Acceptance

In this lab, you will learn how to create and manage basic routing in a Node.js application. We will use the native http module to create an HTTP server and handle different routes based on the requested path.


  1. Your code contains two files index.js and routes.js, a router function has already been declared for you in routes.js file, you have to write the mentioned logic in the router function.

  2. To write the logic of the function take a look at the stubs (comments in code) to help you understand the desired outcome. You have to send different text responsed based on the path the request was invoked from.

  • If the req.url is equal to /hello, your server should send the text Hello, World! with the status code 200
  • If the req.url is equal to /bye, you server should send the text Goodbye, World! with the status code 200
  • If the req.url does not match any of the above conditions it should send the text Not found with the status code 404

To send a valid Text via a HTTP server, you would have to additionally set the status code & Content-Type header in the response. Here is a sample code

function router(req, res) { res.writeHead(404, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }) res.end('Not found') }

In the above function, we're returning the response with the status code 404 and the text Not found

  1. You have to import the router function in the index.js file and use this function to create a basic HTTP server.

  2. You can create a simple HTTP Server using http.createServer(yourfunction) method. Where you would replace the yourfunction with router in this scenario.

  3. The HTTP Server created should listen for requests on port 1337. Use the .listen() method on the created HTTP server.

You can verify if the HTTP server is working as expected by visiting the hello and bye route in the browser preview that is visible to you on the right side of your screen

Use ES modules for importing and exporting files. The package.json already has the property of type set to module