CSS Text Shadow Lab

86.3% Acceptance

In this lab, we aim to gain a hands-on understanding of the CSS text-shadow property. We will achieve this by creating an HTML page with a heading that has a particular text shadow effect applied to it. This effect provides a shadow of color #5f5f5f, has a horizontal and vertical offset of 2px, and a blur radius of 4px. The heading's text color will be set to #ef534f.


Briefly, the concepts required to complete this lab includes understanding the CSS text-shadow property and how to apply it to HTML elements. Also, you need to know how to manipulate the color of text using CSS.

  • The text-shadow CSS property applies a shadow to text. This property requires four values:

    • The horizontal-offset which tells the horizontal distance of the shadow from the text.
    • The vertical-offset gives the vertical distance of the shadow.
    • blur-radius controls the amount of blur.
    • The color of the shadow.
  • The color property in CSS dictates the color of an HTML element, in our case, a text element.


Here's how to reach our outlined goal:

  1. Create a basic HTML structure with an html, head, and body tags.

  2. Inside the body tag, add an h1 tag with the id main-heading.

  3. Set the content of the h1 tag to 'Codedamn CSS Lab'.

  4. Inside the head tag, create a style tag.

  5. Within this style tag, target your h1 tag using the id main-heading.

  6. Now, apply a text-shadow effect to this heading. Make sure that your shadow's color is #5f5f5f and the horizontal and vertical offset is 2px. Don't forget to set the blur radius to 4px.

  7. Next, change the text color of your main heading to #ef534f.


Here's a basic example of applying text-shadow property:

h1 { text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px blue; }

In the example above, we have applied a text-shadow of color blue, with a horizontal and vertical offset of 2px to the h1 tag.


  • Remember, all relevant styles should be placed within the style tag in the head of your HTML.
  • To set the color of your text, use the color property.
  • Don't forget to use the # before your color values, they represent hexadecimal colors in CSS.
  • Blur radius in the text-shadow property is optional. If you don't specify it, the shadow will be sharp.