String Compression

76.3% Acceptance

In this lab, you'll be implementing a method in Java that compresses a string by replacing sequences of the same character with that character followed by the count of repeated characters.

Task Overview

Your primary task is to implement a method named compressString within a class named Main. This method should take a single string as input and return a new string that is a compressed version of the input.


If the input string is "aaabbc", the compressString method should return "a3b2c1". Here's a quick breakdown of what this means:

  • 'a' appears 3 times consecutively -> replaced by "a3"
  • 'b' appears 2 times consecutively -> replaced by "b2"
  • 'c' appears 1 time -> replaced by "c1"

Thus, the final compressed string is "a3b2c1".

Implementation Guidance

  • String Iteration: You will need to iterate over each character in the input string, keeping track of how many times each character is repeated consecutively.
  • Handling Different Cases: Ensure that your method can handle various scenarios:
    • Strings with no consecutive characters.
    • Strings where the entire string is a single repeated character.
    • Strings containing special characters and a mix of single and multiple occurrences.
  • Output Formation: As you iterate through the string, construct the output by appending the character and its consecutive count to the result.
  • Edge Cases: Consider how your method will handle edge cases, such as an empty string.

Remember, the goal is to create a method that is efficient and accurate in compressing the input string according to the specified rules.

Challenges Information

Challenge 1: Basic Compression

Input: "aaabbc"
Expected Output: "a3b2c1"
Description: The input string contains 'a' repeated three times, 'b' repeated twice, and 'c' once. The method should compress this sequence into "a3b2c1", indicating the count of each consecutive character.

Challenge 2: Single Occurrences

Input: "abcd"
Expected Output: "a1b1c1d1"
Description: This string has no consecutive repeated characters. Each character appears once. The expected output is each character followed by the number 1, showing that each character occurs once.

Challenge 3: Single Repeated Character

Input: "zzzzz"
Expected Output: "z5"
Description: The input is a single character repeated multiple times (five times, in this case). The method should return the character followed by its count of consecutive appearances, which is "z5" in this case.

Challenge 4: Mixed Characters and Repetitions

Input: "!@##$$%"
Expected Output: "!1@2#2$2%1"
Description: This challenge involves special characters and a mix of single and multiple consecutive occurrences. The method should handle different characters and their varying repetition patterns accurately, compressing them into "!1@2#2$2%1".