CSS variables lab

11.1% Acceptance

Of course! Here's a lab description with the constraints you've provided and an explanation of CSS variables:

CSS Variables Tweakable Through JavaScript

CSS Variables, also known as CSS Custom Properties, allow you to define reusable values in your stylesheets. They can significantly improve the maintainability of your styles and enable dynamic theming.

For instance, instead of having to remember specific color codes or dimensions, you can use descriptive names:

:root { --main-bg-color: #eeeeee; --main-text-color: black; }

You can then use these variables throughout your styles:

body { background-color: var(--main-bg-color); color: var(--main-text-color); }

One of the most powerful aspects of CSS variables is that they can be manipulated with JavaScript. This makes them perfect for building themes, adjusting UI based on user preferences, or responding to other dynamic conditions.

Lab Objective

In this lab, your challenge is to:

  1. Define a couple of CSS variables.
  2. Implement a button that, when clicked, changes the values of these CSS variables using JavaScript.

Note: Always keep in mind that browsers might represent colors in different formats (like rgb(255, 255, 255) for white).

Ready? Dive into the challenges to demonstrate your understanding!

This description gives users a brief introduction to CSS variables, showcases their benefits, and sets clear expectations for the lab.

Challenges Information

Challenge 1: Create a CSS Variable

Create a CSS variable named --bg-color that is set to #eeeeee. This variable should be assigned to the :root selector.

Challenge 2: Another CSS Variable

Create another CSS variable named --text-color that is set to white. This variable should also be assigned to the :root selector. Hint: Browsers might represent colors in different formats (like rgb(255, 255, 255) for white).

Challenge 3: Add a Button

Create an HTML button on your page. This button should have an id attribute with the value toggle-variables.

Challenge 4: Toggling Variables

When the button (with the id toggle-variables) is clicked, you should change the value of the --bg-color CSS variable to white and the value of the --text-color CSS variable to #eeeeee using JavaScript.