Calculating Average Unit Price, Total Stock, and Discontinued Products in SQLite

89.9% Acceptance

In this lab, you will be specifically focusing on the products table. Your task is to write a SQL query to address the following question:

Question: Show the average unit_price rounded to 2 decimal places as average_price , the total units in stock (use units_in_stock) across all products as total_stock, and the total discontinued products (use discontinued) from as total_discontinued the products table.

products Table Schema

  • product_id
  • product_name
  • supplier_id
  • category_id
  • quantity_per_unit
  • unit_price
  • units_in_stock
  • units_on_order
  • reorder_level
  • discontinued

Concepts Needed

  • Aggregate Functions (AVG, SUM)
  • Rounding (ROUND)
  • SELECT statements

The column names must be average_price, total_stock, total_discontinued, any other name would fail the tests. Make sure to add proper aliases to your columns.

Write your query in the designated SQL editor to complete this lab.