Vue 2: Toggle Visibility Lab


In this lab, you will build a simple Vue 2 application that toggles the visibility of two div elements using the v-if directive.


  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with Vue 2

Step 1: Use v-if for Conditional Rendering

Inside your App.vue's <script> section, add a data property named isVisible and set it to true. Use the v-if directive to conditionally render your divs based on the isVisible state.

<script> export default { data() { return { isVisible: true, }; }, }; </script>

Update your div elements to include v-if:

<div id="div1" v-if="isVisible"> This is Div 1 </div> <div id="div2" v-if="!isVisible"> This is Div 2 </div>

Step 2: Implement a Toggle Button

Finally, add a button element that toggles the isVisible state when clicked. Use Vue's @click directive to update isVisible.

<button @click="isVisible = !isVisible">Toggle Divs</button>

Challenges Information

Challenge 1: Create Initial Div with ID 'div1'

Your task is to create a div element with an id of div1. This div should be visible initially and should contain the exact text 'first div'.

Challenge 2: Create Second Div with ID 'div2'

Create a div element with an id of div2. This div should also be visible initially and must contain the exact text 'second div'.

Challenge 3: Create Toggle Button for First Div

Create a button element with an id of toggle-first-div. This button will be used to toggle the visibility of div1.

Challenge 4: Create Toggle Button for Second Div

Create another button element with an id of toggle-second-div. This button will be used to toggle the visibility of div2.

Challenge 5: Implement Toggle Functionality for div1

Attach a Vue event handler to the button with id toggle-first-div. Clicking this button should toggle the visibility of div1. Note that you should use Vue's v-if directive to toggle visibility. When clicked for the first time, div1 should be unmounted from the DOM.

Challenge 6: Implement Toggle Functionality for div2

Attach a Vue event handler to the button with id toggle-second-div. Clicking this button should toggle the visibility of div2. Use Vue's v-if directive for this. When clicked for the first time, div2 should be unmounted from the DOM.

Adding your container request
Getting your dedicated container
Connecting to your container
Setting up your editor
Finalizing your playground