Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits

71.8% Acceptance

In this lab, you are required to write a function findNumbers that takes an array of integers, nums, as input and returns the count of numbers that have an even number of digits.

You can use the following examples and explanations to understand the problem and write your solution:

Example 1:

Input: nums = [12,345,2,6,7896]
Output: 2
12 contains 2 digits (even number of digits). 
345 contains 3 digits (odd number of digits). 
2 contains 1 digit (odd number of digits). 
6 contains 1 digit (odd number of digits). 
7896 contains 4 digits (even number of digits). 
Therefore only 12 and 7896 contain an even number of digits.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [555,901,482,1771]
Output: 1
Only 1771 contains an even number of digits.

Challenge 1:
Export your findNumbers function properly.

Challenge 2:
Implement the findNumbers function with correct functionality. Example solutions are provided below, but it is encouraged to think and come up with your own solution.

Example solution 1: const findNumbers = nums => nums.filter(num => String(num).length % 2 === 0).length;
Example solution 2: function findNumbers(nums) { return nums.reduce((count, num) => count + (num.toString().length % 2 === 0 ? 1 : 0), 0); }

Remember to use ESM import/export everywhere and follow the rules mentioned in the initial instructions while building this lab. Good luck!