Total Sales by Genre (chinook database)

Your task is to calculate the total sales for each music genre in the Chinook database.

Tables Involved:

  • "InvoiceLine"
  • "Track"
  • "Genre"

SQL Elements to Use:

  • SUM()
  • JOIN

Ordering Criteria:
Sort the result by the "Name" column from the "Genre" table in ascending order.

Final Columns in Output:
Your output should contain two columns:

  • First column should be named genres.Name and contain the genre name.
  • Second column should be named TotalSales and represent the total sales for each genre.


  • You will need to multiply the "UnitPrice" with "Quantity" in the "InvoiceLine" table to calculate the total sales per line item.
Adding your container request
Getting your dedicated container
Connecting to your container
Setting up your editor
Finalizing your playground