Calculate the date of meetups.
Typically meetups happen on the same day of the week. In this exercise, you
will take a description of a meetup date, and return the actual meetup date.
Examples of general descriptions are:
- The first Monday of January 2017
- The third Tuesday of January 2017
- The wednesteenth of January 2017
- The last Thursday of January 2017
The descriptors you are expected to parse are:
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last, monteenth, tuesteenth, wednesteenth,
thursteenth, friteenth, saturteenth, sunteenth
Note that "monteenth", "tuesteenth", etc are all made up words. There was a
meetup whose members realized that there are exactly 7 numbered days in a month
that end in '-teenth'. Therefore, one is guaranteed that each day of the week
(Monday, Tuesday, ...) will have exactly one date that is named with '-teenth'
in every month.
Given examples of a meetup dates, each containing a month, day, year, and
descriptor calculate the date of the actual meetup. For example, if given
"The first Monday of January 2017", the correct meetup date is 2017/1/2.