Simple Timer

62.7% Acceptance

In this lab, you will create a simple React application that implements a timer. The app will start counting from zero and increment upwards, stopping at a user-defined number of seconds. This lab will test your skills in React state management, event handling, and basic styling using Tailwind CSS.


  1. Timer Input Field

    • Create an input field where users can enter the number of seconds for the timer.
    • The input field should have the ID seconds-input and be of type number.
  2. Start and Stop Buttons

    • Add two buttons to the page:
      • A start button with the ID start. This button will start the timer.
      • A stop button with the ID stop. This button will stop the timer.
    • Ensure that only one of these buttons is enabled at any time. The start button should be enabled by default.
  3. Timer Display

    • Include a div element with the ID timer to display the current timer count.
    • The timer should initially display 0.
  4. Button Functionality

    • Implement the functionality for the start and stop buttons:
      • Clicking start should begin the timer and disable the start button while enabling the stop button.
      • Clicking stop should pause the timer and toggle the button states back.
  5. Styling with Tailwind CSS

    • Style all elements on the page using Tailwind CSS.
    • Center-align the input field, buttons, and timer display for a clean and organized layout.

Example Output

When a user enters 5 in the input field and clicks the start button, the timer display (#timer) should increment each second, showing 1, 2, 3, 4, and stopping at 5. The stop button should be clickable at any time to pause the timer.