Number System Conversion
9.8% Acceptance
Convert a number, represented as a sequence of digits in one base, to any other base.
Implement general base conversion. Given a number in base a
, represented as a sequence of digits, convert it to base b
input: convertDigitsToAskedBase([5, 8], 10, 16)
output: [3, 10]
convertDigitsToAskedBase([5, 8], 10, 16)
is passed to the convertDigitsToAskedBase function i.e 58
in base 10
as [5, 8] in array is passed and asked to convert to base 16
which is 310
. This should be returned in array as [3, 10].
[3, 10] is not other than [3, 10] is because 3 and 10 both are valid digits of base 16
[3, 1, 0] is WRONG because even though 1 and 0 are valid digits of base 16 it can be represented as 10 without taking the 3rd place.